7 Best Ways To Build A Website With A Lower Budget

The invention of internet has affected every field of life. Companies that used to advertise through mediums like newspapers and television earlier are now focused on building websites that can help people all over the world access their products, see what services are offered and know how to contact them. In this new era, all businesses are bent on making great sites with which they can reach out to their customers. Regardless of whether you are the CEO of a multinational or run a small family hotel, every business needs a website now. But getting an official website made can turn out to be more expensive than you expected so if you are in need of a good site but can’t afford one of the popular website building companies, here are some tips on how to save money.

Image credit: Wikimedia commons

  1. Build Your Own Site:
  2. This might not be suitable for everyone but it is by far the cheapest way of getting a website for your business. Even if you haven’t done it before give it a try. You can easily find web designing software and templates for websites online. Take some tutorials online, look at other websites for inspiration and start working on your site. With some trial and error and dedicated focus you can create a great site for your business in no time.

  3. Get Help from a Friend:
  4. If you don’t think you are able to make your own site, look for someone among your friends and family who knows how to create websites and would be willing to help you. You don’t have to make them do it for free, offer to pay them as well. They would definitely not demand as much as a professional and help you save a lot of money. You can also ask them to teach you how to go about it and make a site yourself with their help.

  5. Look for Newbies:
    People who are new in the field tend to charge less for building sites. They would also have some fresh ideas and give your site their best shot so that they can impress potential customers. You would have to do some thorough research to find new web designers though.

  7. Pay a Student:
  8. Students pursuing degrees in web designing and graphics who are still college going may not be as experienced as professionals but they will definitely charge you less compared to renowned companies. Some students work online as well to make some extra pocket money. You can easily find such students online and get help at a much lower cost.

  9. Keep it Simple:
  10. One possible way of saving money on a website is by going for a simple design. You can have a simple yet elegant website that lists all your services and contact information and it can work as well as a big budget, attractive website does. Getting a simpler site made can help you save a lot of money.

  11. Discounted Deals:
  12. This may not be the best way of saving money because it will be difficult to find companies that offer to build your website on a discounted price but is an option nevertheless. If you look hard enough on the internet, you can always find some great discount deals. Just make sure that the company you choose is authentic because some of these deals may just be scam.

  13. Open Source Web Development:
  14. Open source refers to the programs that are available to public for free. You can benefit greatly from open source web development and get a website built for your company at a very low cost. Many people turn to open source web development as an alternative to professionals who would charge them heavily for a website.

If you want a world class website, you will obviously need to take help from professionals and they can charge you steeply. But if you have a low budget, it might be better to go for a simpler design that works for you. Your site doesn’t really need to be expensive looking and have a lot of visual effects. You can communicate with the public with a much simpler website as well. You will have to agree that the extra money spent on getting an attractive website can be better spent on other things.

Author Bio: Jason Walker is the managing director of a popular web specialist company in South California. His company has been working for years to provide people with world class websites to promote their businesses. He has written this article for ‘Kate’s Best Web Hosting’ and explains how a great site can be made with a lower budget.

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