Respite Care: Is It Right For You?

The American Dream was built, in part, on the concept of independence. Individuals had the freedom and ability to hold a job, own a home, and live a comfortable life. All of this, however, requires physical and emotional independence. What happens if you cannot provide for yourself on a short-term basis because of injury or illness? You may find that respite care is needed to help you get back on your feet.

Respite Care: Is It Right For You?

What is Respite Care?

Respite care comes in many shapes and sizes. It can be as simple as having a qualified caregiver or medical professional visit your home once a week to check on the cleanliness of your home or deliver groceries. The goal is to allow you to remain independent, but provide you with the comfort of knowing someone is checking on your welfare as you recover.

There are also situations in which respite care for seniors in Jackson, NJ involves staying in a separate facility from your home. These centers offer round-the-clock care and assistance to those in need of help as they recover from physical ailments or other injuries.

Most Common Reasons for Respite Care

The most common reasons for respite care are injury and illness. However, not everyone needs respite care as a result of these conditions. For example, a recently retired individual with a minor illness that requires bed rest and has a spouse at home is not likely to need respite care.

On the other hand, a senior adult already in poor health with no spouse (or unqualified spouse) at home might require a stay at a respite care facility while recovering from an illness such as pneumonia or severe case of flu. Here you’ll receive the close medical attention necessary to recover fully.

Similarly, senior adults recovering from joint-replacement surgery or reparative surgery following an accident would be advised to seek out a respite care facility to provide round-the-clock assistance during the recovery process. While staying in a respite care center, rehabilitation is located onsite, which makes it easier to attend and increases the speed of recovery.

Whether you’ve suffered from a serious illness or are too frail to recover on your own from surgery, respite care provides you with a safe and comfortable environment in which you can recover. The average stay runs from 1 month to 6 months in total, and offers medical assistance, rehab guidance, and daily help to ensure that you aren’t susceptible to further injury or illness living at home without help.

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