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Sometimes Allowing Your Child To Have Life-Changing Plastic Surgery Is A Good Thing

Sometimes Allowing Your Child To Have Life-Changing Plastic Surgery Is A Good Thing

Healthy self-esteem is something that doesn’t always come easy. In its simplest form, self-esteem is a way of thinking and feeling about yourself. When you’re a child or teen, low self-esteem can do a number on your developing personality, outlook on life and social situations. Young people just want to fit in, be accepted, liked or respected. If a young person has been born with ears that protrude, a large nose or asymmetry of their facial features, it can be difficult to ignore the mean words that are spoken.

Social Media Has Sent Bullying To Nastier Levels

Bullying has been around for generations now, but we hear and see more of it today. The internet has played a major role in the acceleration of teasing and tormenting others. According to, research shows that 92% of American teens go online every day, and social media is the way they connect.

Peer And Social Pressures Influence Personal Appearance

It can be difficult for a parent, because sometimes a child will not speak up and share to their family the bullying or the insecurity they might be feeling about their crooked nose. Or if the child does confide in their family about wanting to get their nose fixed, often times, they’re told they’re too young and to just stand tall and be confident.

Teens are all about their personal appearance and are constantly bombarded with perfect-looking celebrities. The pressure to look a certain way and to fit in can be enormous. Not only do teens feel this constant pressure from their peers but also from today’s culture.

Parents Who Allow Plastic Surgery Can Change Lives

Parents who approve of plastic surgery can be doing a tremendous service to a young person’s self-esteem. In fact, the decision can be life-changing, says Dr. Thomas Romo III, Director of Facial Plastic Surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC and one who often gives corrective surgery to children with facial deformities.

“A change in physical attributes such as a large nose or ears that stick out, can have a great effect on a teen’s self esteem. I have had teens come into my office that are shy and uncomfortable. Plastic surgery transforms them into proud, confident individuals who can then become who they always had the potential to be.”

Plastic Surgery For Youth Not A Light Decision

A young person’s level of maturity and ability at decision making also plays a role. Parents should have a lot of discussion with their child about their desire to alter a feature. Family members should make sure their child isn’t making an impulsive decision.

When both are on board, plastic surgery can deliver an amazing physical transformation and good self-esteem. When a child blends in with their peers, they feel normal.

Plastic Surgeon Ha Beautifully Transforming Young Faces

Dr Kien Ha is a well-respected Australian trained and fully accredited Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon, with a special interest in Rhinoplasty and Facial Plastic Surgery. He understands how a facial deformity can upset a teen and how a small procedure can totally change a young person inside and out.

Dr. Ha’s Before and After images speak volumes.

Mark Twain once said: “The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.”

A child who feels sadness, defeat and unacceptance because of a feature that looks out of place, deserves our compassion. One who allows their child to have life-changing plastic surgery after careful thought, is a good, loving parent.

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