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How Food Can Support Erectile Dysfunction Treatment?

Erectile dysfunction isn’t only caused by psychological and physical causes, but can also be due to poor nutrition and diet. Even if the reasons of erectile dysfunctions are the former two, foods will help immensely during the treatment process. Some food could really be helpful in improving our secual health and they may contribute significantly in curing erectile dysfunction. As an example, we may consume almonds which are packed with enough nutrients for our treatment process. One of its major nutrients is Vitamin E, which improves the blood circulation in our body. It will contribute in alleviating the erection problem. Apples contain quercitin, which is a type of antioxidant, which increases the production of dopamine in our brain. This will help in removing any minor blockage in the arterial system and making blood flows smoother to different parts of our body. Avocados have a substance called oleic acid, which is a form of monounsaturated fat, which can help to lower the cholesterol level and it is believed to have an aphrosidiac effect.

It has been shown that regular consumption of avocado can increase HDL or good cholesterol, while reducing LDL or the bad cholesterol. This further ensures that we have healthy blood circulation in our body. Banana is also a good thing to consume during the erectile dysfunction therapu. It contains an amino acid called tyrosine, which stimulates and regulates the dopamine level in our body. Its potassium content should also help to maintain normal heart functions and blood pressure. Celery is useful due to the presence of phthalides, which improves the blood flow and makes muscles around the arteries more relaxed. Vitamin C in celery is an excellent antioxidant that promotes cardiovascular health. Various types of chili pepper, such as cheyenne allows our body to prevent the blood clots from forming. With enough chili pepper intake, blood flow around our body will become smoother, although the effect is only temporary. We may also try exotic herbs from distant lands to improve our condition.

As an example, cnidium is a herb from China that is known for its health benefits and can work as a sexual tonic. When we consume cnidium seers, the production of nitric oxide in our body increases and it’s a potent agent to boost libido. Nitric oxide allows the blood vessels to relax and sufficient amount of blood will flow into the penis area, causing an erection to occur. Dates are known for their potassium content and can help to increase the blood flow, ensuring the normal functions of our nervous system and heart. Egg is a little package of goodness and with moderate consumption, its cholesterol content won’t be too troublesome. It contains various vitamin B components, which ensures balanced hormone level and good libido level. Egg also contains enough vitamin A to ensure good sperm count. Tuna, trout, mackerel and salmon offers high level of Omega 3 fatty acids that can lower the level of bad cholesterol in our body.

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