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How Does Lack Of Calcium Affect The Body

According to Dr. Courtney holmberg lack of calcium leads to changes in soft tissues. Only one percent of calcium is found in soft tissues, but if that percentage is absent, one becomes extremely nervous. Without enough calcium in the blood the nerves cannot send signals, but as a result, stress and tension appear, the body cannot relax. This is seen in highly emotional children. This also manifests itself in the sloppy and unpleasant nature, the irritable nature and the rapid change of mood.

Both adults and children who suffer from a lack of calcium have the habit of biting nails, constantly moving their arms and legs, chewing gum, picking into their nose or ears and scratching their heads. They cannot sit quietly for long periods of time, and they often knock unconsciously with their hands or fingers. They are irritable and often reach emotional outbursts. They can cry complacently and tend to complain.

Basic eating rules

1. 3/5 of the natural diet should be composed of fruits and vegetables, raw, slightly boiled or baked.

2. 1/5 of your diet should consist of proteins of plant or animal origin without meat and sausages.

3. The remaining 1/5 of your natural diet should consist of 3 parts: natural oil / olive oil, sunflower, soybean, walnut, corn); natural sweet foods such as honey and maple sugar; natural starch that is part of whole grains.

4. To avoid overeating, eat a simple diet and remember that the natural diet does not contain salt.


Here’s how physical activity contributes to toning the nervous system. People who are constantly exercising:

They improve your oxygen circulation. This allows you to be more energetic.

They are relieved of stress and tension that is located in the tight, tense parts of the body, especially in the neck, back, spine. Exercises develop precisely these areas. So, people feel relaxed and easy.
Overcome chronic fatigue. People who feel chronically tired suffer from insufficient brain circulation. Exercises improve the circulation of life centers, increase energy and vitality.

They soothe the nerves. Exercises help build a good night’s sleep, which is a key factor in maintaining tranquility.

Increase the emotional self-control. Exercises strengthen nerves and lead to equilibrium, which creates a healthy nervous system and a healthy mind.

Proper Breathing

People with oxygen deficiency are usually very nervous and with many problems.

It is clear that the activity of the vital organs depends directly on the nervous stimulation that they receive from the nervous system. Therefore, nervous exhaustion reduces the activity of the stomach, kidneys, liver, intestines and other abdominal organs, causing various diseases.

Fear, anxiety and other stronger nervous tensions, some of which we cannot avoid – directly suppress heart and lung function. This leads inevitably to oxygen deficiency, which, in turn, causes damage to the entire organism, including the nervous system. Therefore, one has to consciously acquire the missing oxygen by developing the respiratory activity through various breathing exercises.

Water procedures

To have a powerful nervous system, your body should be pure not only inside but also outside. You can achieve this through proper nutrition, motor activity, breathing exercises and inner balance and through systemic skin care. Skin is the largest organ in the human body and one of the most important secretory organs. There are 96 million pores in the skin that should be kept clean. This can only be done through regular water intake. Their good condition will necessarily lead to an increase in nervous energy.

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