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Experts of Sadigh Gallery Analyses How to Identify Fake Artifices

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Fake Artifice is skill or craft that is clever and cunning enough at the same time manipulative and tricky that is intended to deceive people. In this age era of perfect digital reproduction, challenging Authenticity of anything is a hard task. According to Sadigh Gallery experts everything can be doctored to look like a valuable original. Starting from the painting of famous Artist, Degree certificates, Bank notes, medicine, and food items.

The Ways to Identify Fake Artifices Taking Suggestions From Sadigh Gallery

Fake Painting

A lot of fake and forgery are reported about painting by World Famous Artist Da Vinci’s, Picasso creations, and other reputed Artists. “Art Detective” is appointed to identify fake painting. Potential buyers need to be familiarized of the artist and their style of work. It is important to review the signature of the artist and the frame to identify if anything looks odd. Color of the painting to be observed carefully. Flip that painting over to investigate what surface is painted on and how does it sit on whether it look aged enough?

Fake Security documents like Passport, Driving License, and ID Cards

Salient features to be examined

Fake currency

Fake Educational Certificate

Fake branding of Fashion items

How to spot fake foods

When we talk about the fake foods, we usually mean adulterated food. According to Sadigh Gallery that there is flourishing Global Fake Food Industry, which thrives not by adulteration but synthetic ones and mislabeling. You must be alert and physically test when consuming following products:

Fake Eggs (Even food as simple as an egg is being faked), Fake Plastic Rice, Walnuts Stuffed with Cement, Fake Beef, Fake Mutton, Fake Wines, Fake and Adulterated Honey,     Fake Green Peas

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