We have seen different types of shoes fade out of fashion. However, the good-old-boot has retained its popularity all the way. Why?
Boots are versatile and fit almost any occasion. You can wear them to work or for recreation and still look relevant and appealing. A good pair will go down well with jeans and t-shirt. Another one will pair well with formal wear, and so on.
Boot design cannot be said to have changed a lot, but their beauty and quality have. There are many types of boots available, and if you find the right pair, you should count yourself lucky. It will not only last and last but will also remain fashionable all through.
Selecting the right pair of leather boots to purchase is often a challenge to many. So, how do you discern a good one apart from the fact that it fits you well? Here are the things to look for.
1. Type of Leather
Not all boots are made from the same kind of leather. There’s leather that’s top quality and another that’s low quality. But how do you tell?
If a boot is just “leather” with no other words to describe it, it’s most likely low quality. Look out for the boot made from “Full Grain” type of leather. This leather has not been subjected to polishing or chemical treatments. Because of this, it looks rough. A boot made from it will last for ages and can be worn in harsh environments without the risk of damage. The leather is of exceptional quality.
Second in quality comes “Top Grain” Leather. This leather is not as quality but will perform relatively well under different conditions.
” Bonded Leather” is not worth it, unless you want a shoe that won’t last. Also, if the boot says “Genuine” leather,” it indicates a type of leather that won’t let you wear your boot in tough conditions.

2. Brand
There are boot brands that have stood the test of time. Why? Most likely because the companies that make them ensure they’re quality. You can never get it wrong with them.
Some of the companies have been in the boot making business for more than a century. Over the years, they’ve perfected their processes to produce shoes whose quality cannot be questioned. A good example would be Ariat square toe cowboy boots for men. Choosing these popular brands when purchasing your boot guarantees you of foot ware you will not regret to possess.
3. Ease of Resoling
Because leather boots a made to last, you will find yourself having to resole yours. It can even be more than once. It’s for this reason that the pair you buy be resoleable. Boots that are easy to resole are costly, but they’re good value for money since they are of higher quality. Choose Goodyear or Blake Welt types. They’re easier to resole, plus they’re durable.
Goodyear Welt boots are more superior. They make use of a leather strip or rubber to attach the shoe’s upper to the outer sole. As a result, the shoe doesn’t get damaged when stripping off the sole. The boots also don’t allow in water.
The leather or rubber strip in a Goodyear Welt boot provides extra support for the feet, making them comfortable to wear. During stitching, the boots are easy to work on, both manually and with use of a machine.
A boot is not just a boot. For the pair you buy to last long, you need to make a careful selection. From the type of leather that makes it, the construction to the brand, choose a boot of the highest quality. You will look attractive in it. It will also save you money in the long run.