Why cloud computing is preferred over traditional ways

As the world slowly becomes more and more interconnected, we get more and more dependent on people around us. When I say around, I do not just mean people in your immediate surrounding, but people far away, perhaps even across borders. So “around” basically incudes anyone and everyone around the world in the context of our increased interdependence. After all, the world is slowly becoming a global village and we are all either benefitting or suffering from this.

Now, of course when we think about it, our first guess is that the internet made it possible. However, the internet is a vast subject and referring to just the “net” is often confusing and can make things difficult. So, it is important that when we talk about the internet, we refer specifically to its specific features and technologies that really make a difference.

Cloud Computing:

One of the technologies that contribute immensely to this phenomenon of increased interdependence is that of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a technology that transcends your personal computer to reach out to a common host on the internet. This host then makes it possible for you to send, receive or store your data without occupying any space on your personal computer. So, this means that the person sitting across borders or on the opposite part of the world could interact with that data viz a viz the internet and technology of cloud computing. Moreover, you can interact with that data from anywhere in the world, on any device you want without caring about the device you initially created the data on.

Cloud Deployment:

A cloud computing system can be deployed in different ways and the way that you use your cloud depends greatly on how this deployment takes place. The three ways of deployment are Pubic, Private or Hybrid. A public cloud is one that is operated by a third-party that offers its services to people without any judgement. A private cloud, on the other hand, is a person-specific or company-specific cloud that is used only by the creating party (and employees, in case the company provides access to its employees). These are two opposites end of the spectrum. Hybrid Cloud lies somewhere in the middle and combines the characteristics of both Private and Public Clouds. Since, cloud deployment is not an easy task, you should be smart enough to use established firms such as https://www.computersinthecity.co.uk/ to help you with the initial implementation.


Given that cloud computing is a very advanced technology (much more advance than our previous data storage technologies) it is expected that it will transcend the previous technologies in several aspects. In fact, one of the highlighting aspects is the fact that it allows mobility to you to use the data while encouraging collaboration through the sharing feature to multiple people around the world. But that is not the only advantage that Cloud Computing enjoys over traditional forms. Here are some of the other advantages in this regard:


  • Low Cost Solution:


When you think about a cloud computing system in a corporate setting, you will contrast it with the choice of using dedicated machines and systems to manage an intra corporation data sharing system. However, such a system is obviously not only expensive to implement, but also to maintain with several electrical and electronic risks associated with the machines.

Using cloud computing helps to greatly minimize the risks and the set up costs may rarely, if ever, exceed the costs of the setup of a conventional system.


  • Flexibility:


Investments in old data storage and sharing equipment is often seen as a locking up of resources because not only are the investments high, but the time to recover that investment from your everyday operations takes a lot of time. Cloud Computing, on the other hand, allows you to not only vary your usage of the technology, but also allows automatic timely updates to help you increase efficiency – something which conventional systems could never achieve.


  • Backup:


Data Backup  is crucial not only to huge corporations but also to individual users. So, you always back up the data on your phone to a cloud in case something happens to your phone. This reflects an important aspect of tangible technology, that it can falter and malfunction without any warning. When it comes to cloud computing, however, not only are the risks of malfunction very minute, but the fact that your data is already backed up, without you even asking, means that it has you covered in any emergencies.

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