Should I Undergo Liposuction?

Our body can accumulate fat in all sorts of places. Most of it is present under the skin in the subcutaneous layer. This fat contributes to the shapeand appearance of a person. Some areas tend to attract more fat than others, like buttocks, thighs & the abdominal walls. Consumption of food items rich in fats can lead to a higher accumulation in these regions leading to a change in your appearance.

Other areas where fat can accumulate include underneath the chin, flanks, hips, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, knees, and lower legs. Fat in these areas tend to resist removal and does not reduce even after dietary programs and usage of slimming machines.

A genetic predesposition to fat accumulation can also be observed in people after the age of 30. In these cases, liposuction can be the only realistic means of significantly improving the shape of the body. Doctors from the best liposuction clinic in Bangalore explain the intricacies of the procedure to clarify your doubts.

What are the common areas for liposuction?

The common areas for liposuction treatment differ by gender. While women seek liposuction for abdomen, hips, thighs, arms and knees, men tend to go for the flanks, abdomen & gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is the enlargement of chests in males, to appear as droopy breasts. This can be a cause of shame in some people, causing them to wear loose/bulky clothing. Liposuction performed by expert doctors can provide great results with no visible scarring.

People also seek liposuction for the arms, neck & face. Fat accumulation under the chin, also known as double chin, can also be treated by liposuction. In women with large breasts, liposuction can help by removing any extra fat & ease any load on the spine.

Another interesting procedure in liposuction in men is the high definition liposuction. This is performed on the abdomen, to provide the appearnace of abs by sculpting the fat so that the underneath muscle is more prominent. Added with a little exercise (weeks after the procedure) this can help you achieve the desired physical appearance.

Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

The best candidates are usually in good health and are not grossly obese. These patients usually have localised deposits of fat, which can be removed safely. Since there is no definite age or weight limit for undergoing liposuction. A good candidate can observe great results.

High definition liposuction is more restrictive in terms of patient selection. The patient should have decent overall muscle tone, with relatively small amount of fat. High definition liposuction aims to sculpt the fat to showcase the underlying muscle and not creating artificial six pack out of fat, which could look fake. Afterall objective of the procedure is to provide an aesthetic improvement.

It is also important to have realistic expectations out of liposuction. While it can help you achieve your desired shape, it is not a magical procedure. Like any cosmetic procedure, patients should not expect perfection from liposuction alone.

Who should not go for liposuction?

A person with serious medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension etc. is not a good candidate for liposuction. These conditions can cause serious complications during the procedure, so we suggest our patients to be in good physical health.

Also, achieving results with excessively obese patients, can be difficult. The results are not satisfactory, leading to uneven contours.

How much fat can be removed in one session?

We have some of the best liposuction surgeons in Bangalore. Our aim is to provide the patient with the best results possible, with minimal risk involved in the procedure. Keeping in with that regard, we aim for a maximum of 5-6 litres (~5-6 Kgs) in one session. More than that for e.g. 10-12 kgs in one sitting can cause serious complications. We recommend cases with large amount of fat removal over multiple sessions. This allows the skin to settle properly and provide with better results. These multiple sessions are usually stretched over 1-3 weeks.

We would suggest looking for surgeons with extensive experience in liposuction cases, as they are usually associated with handling complications well. Liposuction may be a simpler surgery, but it’s still a surgery, and your doctor needs to be well prepared to handle any complications that arise during the procedure. So research your liposuction surgeon well & ask extensive questions to clarify all your doubts before undergoing liposuction.

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